
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Since I have arrived at Adventures in Missions (AIM), I have received so much discipleship and teaching about Jesus! We’ve had morning devotionals, teachings, testimonies, and team time (a small group of 6). There have been so many good topics that the speakers have touched on such as, Lordship: handing over the authority of your life to the Lord, shame, conviction from the Holy Spirit, gossip, and constructive feedback. We’ve spent so much time learning about the Lord’s character, which is awesome, but it is also very important to have time with the Lord by yourself.

This past Sunday we were given 3.5 hours of silence and solitude with the Lord. This included journaling about how you were feeling about leaving home for nine months, what you’re excited for in this next season, reading the Bible, or just listening to God. This time was great for me, because I was able to process leaving home, dream about the next nine months with God, and I was able to see how the Lord has blessed me over the past year.

This past week though, it has been a struggle for me to find time to spend time with God. We have all these amazing teachings and then we have free time to spend with my squad, and I want to spend time with them because I love people and I want to get to know them all better, but it is important that I set aside time daily to spend time with the Father. In order to get to know Him, I have to read His word, listen to what He has to say to me, and pour out my heart to Him. What I’ve realized this past week is that if I want to get to know my Father better, that I have to pursue Him, nobody is going to make me go spend time with Him, I have to do it.

Today during our morning devotion we read Matthew 6:25-34 and at the end it says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God” and something I realized while reading is that those words are on the barn in front of our porch at my grandparent’s farm. The farm is my home away from home, we go there for at least 4 weeks every year. I’ve always struggled with going away and spending time with the Lord my whole life, because I want to spend time with the people around me, and I’ve realized today that God has been reminding me to seek Him first since a very young age. In this upcoming season I’ll be praying and trying to seek God first in everything that I do.


12 responses to “Own It”

  1. Great update Zach! I really enjoyed reading it and it was very eye opening. I’m looking forward to all of your future blog posts so that I can follow along as you grow in your faith.

  2. Great update Zach! We will be praying for discipline to have daily time with the Lord. It takes time to build new routines but you can do it! Spend time in His Word, and listening.

  3. Zach – this is so going to bless your grandparents – on many different levels. I LOVE the reference to their barn. Many times it is right in front of us yet we lack awareness to discern. Great blog! Love hearing your heart.

  4. This is also something that I have been learning throughout my time at training camp! And I have loved that scripture!

  5. Very excited to see how this journey will change you and make you more like Jesus.
    It was very nice to get to know you a little better

  6. Thanks for this update Zach! The Lord is showing us similar things today. I was on a zoom prayer with Jim and Lorraine Hiskey and they way they prayed the scripture really convicted me on how we need to be in the scripture and not just using devotionals or listening to podcasts – which both can be helpful – but we need to be steeped in scripture. So I will be praying for you in that. Blessings!

  7. Dear Zach!
    What a great first blog regarding your race around the world and you are right on track–seeking God first in your life!!!! He is there all the time, waiting for us to come to him and you are doing just that and you will be blessed beyond measure!!! Now for a little history behind the words on our buildings. Your great great grandfather purchased this farm in 1907 and at some point had a good man paint all those verses on our buildings. I am so thankful “Seek ye first the kingdom of God” is there to greet us every time we step out on the porch. What a great reminder and sometimes it is easy to over look because it becomes “ordinary.” Your great great grandfather answered God’s call in the late 1800’s to leave Pennsylvania and move his family to Missouri to start churches in NE Missouri which he was very faithful in doing. It appears to us you are following in his footsteps; he had no idea about this “wild” country he was moving too and you are also answering God’s call in spite of all the unknowns ahead for your group! But God does and He is going before you preparing the way! Side note: You mother, Aunt Anne and your grandpa have been diligent to keep those verses legible with a fresh coat of paint now and then. You are also a great writer and love the way you can express your heart desires and share your testimony. We love you and are already looking forward to the next blog. Grandpa and Grandma Kreider

  8. Zach! So excited for you. Spending time in God’s Word will open your eyes to experience this life in brand new ways. In light of God’s truth, even the most ordinary, every day thing can take on new meaning. Keep blogging !! We love you, The Jacksons