
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

What’s up Everyone! I’m Zach for those who don’t know me. I am from Falls Church, Virginia, and I am super excited for the World Race and what God has planned for this upcoming year!

I figured that I should tell you all a little about myself to start, so here we go. I have two older twin brothers and we are very competitive in everything we do, whether it’s sports, card games, or who is the best driver in the family. I have a lot of cousins who live very close to me, so family has been very important to me from a young age. Along with playing sports and games, I love to spend time outdoors, whether its hiking, hunting, or just chilling. My family and I spend a lot of are summers at our Grandparent’s farm in Missouri which is where I probably learned my love for the outdoors. 

I’ve been going to church my whole life, and went to a private school from 5th-8th grade, so that is where my passion for God really started. The summer of my freshman year, I went on a missions trip to Haiti and someone going on the trip had gotten accepted to the World Race. After that eye opening trip and hearing about the World Race, I knew that the World Race was exactly what I wanted to do. 

For the next year, I will be traveling to Costa Rica, Thailand, and Eswatini (Swaziland) for nine months and I’ll be spending three months in each country where we will be doing youth ministry, teaching English, work projects, and much more!

Our team leaves September 2021, so these next few months I will be fundraising to reach my goal 15,800$ for the trip. If you are able I appreciate any donations. While I am preparing for this trip, I ask that you are praying for our safety, our ministry, and that we are able to honor God in everything we do on our adventure with Him. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. God Bless!

My email is [email protected] 

2 responses to “About Me”

  1. Despite you being an Ohio state fan, I’m cheering and praying for you, and I can’t wait to see how the Lord uses you in this next season!!!!

  2. Super excited for you Zach as you get to serve God in this great adventure. Praying for your safety, ministry and that you grow in knowing the love of God for you and all nations.