
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

With all that has been going on recently in the World and in America, I have found it very important to count my blessings. With Covid-19 happening last spring, my baseball season ended and school went virtual, yet I’ve been able to see God’s blessings through all of that. My cousins and brothers were able to be home from college for a very long time. I learned how to build a patio, fire pit, and I built a squat rack with my brother. We were able to go out to my grandparents farm in Missouri for six weeks, and when my grandpa and mom got Covid-19, He protected them and my grandma through it all.

Thursday night at youth group, we were praying about our staff leadership, outreach, and our small groups. While I was praying, I asked God, “What do You have to say to me?”. The words I heard were, “Blessing, you are a blessing to those around you.” Today after I’d finished reading Leviticus, I flipped to the first page of Numbers and it had an information page about this book. The info page had a verse to remember for Numbers and that verse was Numbers 6:24-26 which says, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.” As soon as I finished reading that, I realized that’s how the song “The Blessing” by Kari Jobe starts. I had been listening to this song all of last week and was planning on telling Amelia Tabatt to add this to our “Wednesday Worship” on our teams instagram page: wrgapyear_route3. After I had finished journaling all of this down, I went to Apple Music and the first song that played was “The Blessing”! 

With all this said, I encourage you to count your blessings and see how God has shown up in your life in the past year. I also encourage you to be a blessing to others by loving unconditionally to those you interact with daily.

For those praying for our missions trip, please be praying: that we will be a blessing to those we meet in Eswatini, Thailand, and Costa Rica and that we will be committed to do whatever is asked of us while we are serving the people of these countries.

God Bless!

8 responses to “Blessings”

  1. That’s so cool Zach! I love how He shows up in the little things! I also love the fact that I don’t believe in coincidence anymore(:

  2. Gratitude is so important! God is always good sometimes we just lose sight of what he is doing all around us!!!

  3. So so good Zach. It is always so encouraging to hear how the Lord works. I love hearing stories like this and I can’t wait to hear more next year! Woohoo!

  4. Really good to read some of your thoughts, experiences, and insights Zach! Keep them coming!

  5. Zach, this warms my heart beyond belief. Good luck when you go and I am excited to hear all about it when we catch up more in the future. Thanks for being a great student and more importantly a wonderful person!

  6. What an inspirational message! You certainly have been a blessing in our lives and I am so excited to see how you are growing in the Lord and are able to express it so well in writing!! God is already using you Zach and your walk with Him will just get better and better! God bless you and we both love you bunches and pray for you! Grandma and Grandpa K.

  7. Looking forward to meeting you in September. Thank you for your encouraging words. I will be praying for the blessing of unity for your squad and team.